terms that may not be familiar to the average person. These are the most common terms that you might encounter within the dental.
Radiolucent is an object that looks darker when you look at your dental radiographs. It could be the tooth or nerve. Radiopaque is a term used to describe objects which appear white, and even translucent similar to enamel. These are both normal situations and may not mean you have any issues like a dental cavity. In some cases, however, this contrast between light and dark may indicate some issue. Examples include excessive radiolucency caused by tooth decay. Infection could occur due to radiolucency near the tooth’s root.
In some cases, however, this could be due to normal teeth. The crown could have created some brightening effects at the top of the tooth. Radiopaque whiteness can also be caused by root canals, however, this shouldn’t cause worry.
Results from dental x-rays may appear overwhelming initially, nevertheless, a qualified dentist can help you understand this information and help you make the right choices for the treatment.