There are plenty of great auto as well as home insurance options. This video will explain how to deal with the situation if your car insurance isn’t current.
In this episode of The Dave Ramsey Show, someone calls to say that they lost her vehicle recently. In the episode, the Toyota Camry 2007 was stolen at a cost of $6,000 The woman was not covered by the insurance to cover theft. It was her attempt to speak with her insurance provider, but they stated that she would not have a cent for the vehicle that went missing. That’s why insurance for autos is crucial. It also has to cover loss. Everything inside the vehicle will be covered under homeowners or rental policies. What she needs to do is to save to buy a brand new vehicle. While she’s waiting the car she wants to buy could be get her mother’s car. In the end, Dave makes one final suggestion. He suggests that if you do purchase a brand new car, she should make the payment in cash. Because the borrowing of a loan or making a payment with credit could result in charges. A vehicle that costs $3,000 today could turn into $5,000 over a few weeks when paid with credit.