Clear braces such as advanced Invisalign is a good alternative to traditional metal braces due to their numerous health benefits.
Invisalign teeth aligner trays are made from thermoplastic polyurethane resin that is custom-designed to accommodate only one pair of teeth. Though this plastic is pliable and smooth, and susceptible to breaking however, it is also extremely durable and durable.
You should still contact your dentist to inquire regarding Invisalign cost reimbursement regardless of whether the Invisalign trays are cracked. If you try DIY repairs to your aligners made of clear, they could cause more harm than good, and impede your aligner progress. In accordance with the date you’re Invisalign aligners failed and your dentist will suggest wearing the previous aligners or your next one to hold down your teeth before you secure an appointment to have a fresh refinement.
Your scheduled appointment for refined alignment could be delayed and those aligners you had previously used may not be suitable for your current arrangement. So, what do you do? In this review, we’ll talk about how to treat Invisalign the event that you damage your clear braces. The steps listed here will help you survive before your next doctor’s appointment. waqtrsxw4s.