There are plenty of possibilities for how you can make your house more attractive. It is the roof that protects us from elements, which is why you must keep it in good condition. A new roof installation could be compilated, and it is advised to call a roofing company. In this article, we are going to review the steps involved in the installation of a new roof.
The first step of the procedure is to take rid of the roof. It means you need to get off the entire roof and anything else that goes together. It is essential to take measurements before you start to put up a brand new roofing. Preparing measurements in advance lets you effectively organize the construction.
Before you put up your new roofing shingles, you’ll need to put a layer of roofing felt on the roof. This will shield the roof from damage caused by water should the shingles are damaged. Check that your newly installed shingles are interlocked with those above. For each shingle, you will need to nail them to the ground. A new roof can be done when all the shingles have been placed.