For larger objects, shipping in crates is the standard choice for artwork. Once you’ve stored your artwork in crates ensure expert assistance is sought out for moving larger items.
19. Make sure that the artwork is secured to the truck
It is important to secure all images down prior to moving into your vehicle. They are strong enough to secure your items and remain in place. They are also versatile enough to accommodate boxes.
20. Prepare your New Studio Beforehand
Get a house cleaning service to help clean up your new studio and get you ready to bring to your new work and art materials. This can save you the time, and will help you tidy the studio.
Moving Made Easy
The art and supplies you use are extremely fragile, so it’s important to use these pro packing tips for moving for your equipment to be safe and to have you eagerly anticipating your new space and future masterpiece! jnnonkjtg4.