The process starts with distilling. After the oil has extruded to form a vapor and then reverted back into liquid in the distillation chamber. The liquid is collected by stacks of trays and separated in accordance with weight. The bottom of the trays is filled with heavy oil, while lighter gasoline rises towards the highest.
Next is a process called cracking. It breaks long strings of carbon or hydrogen that are found in heavy oil. This can make it more effective. The process of reforming involves changing the structure and function of molecules within a fluid named naptha. It can be used in the same way as gasoline.
Blending is another method used. Gasoline is mixed with other chemical compounds to make various levels of oxidized gas. There are several kinds of gasoline available at gas stations. These are gasolines designed to work with certain engines.
For the production of more gasoline it’s necessary to treat. This protects the environment as well as our health. It eliminates sulfur, and turns the compound into fertilizers and eventually pharmaceuticals. There are more information in the video linked above.